Twitter can have the odd distinction of feeling all at once like an overly crowded room and a library-silent hall of echoes. You know there’s a lot of people there (like 310 million of them) but you can still wander around feeling lonely.
That’s why it’s so important to follow the right people.
If you’re following a good group, you’re more likely to have a feed filled with content you actually care about. There’s also a higher likelihood that you’ll build a good list of valuable followers (which means you’re more likely to be heard, retweeted and favorited).
Regardless of your industry, as a B2B company, there’s a core group of folks you should be following:
Keeping yourself up-to-date with your customers and potential customers always pays off—from understanding what’s new, what their concerns are, or even just having something to chat about before a meeting.
If your coworker is tweeting, you should be following her. Knowledge that comes from someone you work with can be even more relevant, and keeping in touch on Twitter can help strengthen real-life connections.
If there’s someone in your field you’d love the chance to meet, whose every word you take as gospel, whose name is synonymous with “genius” in your mind, then make sure you aren’t missing out on their valuable tweets.
When a new name keeps popping up in conversation, find that person and follow them. You’ll benefit from the fresh perspective.
You should be checking out the competition in every way you can, and that includes Twitter. While there’s usually no harm in openly following your competitors, it’s also ok not to—either way, make sure you’ve got your eyes (and ears) on them.
Finding and following your favorite industry news source on Twitter beats just getting their daily enewsletter or refreshing their website multiple times daily. With Twitter, you get the benefit of news delivered frequently and succinctly, and you’ll be on top of any breaking news.
Here’s an instance where it’s ok to be a copycat: check out who your most trusted tweeters are following on Twitter. Be selective, because you don’t know their personal criteria (if any!) for how they determine who they follow. Still, you’re likely to find some industry giants and up-and-comers in the mix who you aren’t following yet.
It’s only when you follow the right people that you open yourself up to the abundance of knowledge Twitter has to offer. The conversation is always going on, so find the right people and join in.
If you want to stay up-to-date on the latest and greatest in content marketing, don’t forget to follow Cursive Content Marketing’s Emily Cretella and Stacy Firth.