Content Marketing To-Do: What To Read, Watch, Listen To & Do This Week [4.14.16]

Gosh, I’m so busy. Are you so busy? We’re all so busy, right?
Busy little bees. Doing, doing, doing. Trying to get through the moment so that we can focus on the big ideas that we have for the future.
But when does “the future” start? When will “the moment” stop being so filled with tasks that we can look and plan ahead?
When we make it a priority. Which is why I’m reading, watching, listening to and doing the following this week:
Content Marketing To-Do: What To Read, Watch, Listen To & Do This Week [4.14.16]

To Read: To Anyone Who Thinks They’re Falling Behind

A favorite article and favorite reminder, from writer Jamie Varon on Medium. If you’re so busy you feel like you simply can’t slow down or you’ll fall behind, Varon reminds you:

“We try so hard to manipulate and control our lives, to make creativity into a game to win, to shortcut success because others say they have, to process emotions and uncertainty as if these are linear journeys. You don’t get to game the system of your life.”

To Watch: “How to Succeed? Get More Sleep” by Arianna Huffington

“Shut your eyes…shut your engines.”
If Arianna Huffington is telling me to get more sleep, I’m going to get more sleep, dammit! Funny and true advice from this inspiring woman leader, showing that if she can run her empire AND get a full night’s sleep, I have no excuse for my measly 5 hours — and neither do you!
Content Marketing To-Do: What To Read, Watch, Listen To & Do This Week [4.14.16]

To Listen To: Addicted to Work? Here’s How to Not Miss Your Life

Ok I’m cheating a little bit because this is also a video, but just close your eyes and listen to the audio. 🙂 Marie Forleo puts us all in our places with this “Q&A” video. She gives great advice to combat the everyday rush:

“Rocks first, sand last… The big rocks are the huge important things that make life worth living. You’ve got to know your big rocks … before you put in the sand.”

To Do: Is Your Content Marketing Busy or Productive?

Busy is not only bad for your life, but it’s bad for your marketing. In this article, we talk about the difference between busy and productive content marketing, which is: results. 
When you’re productive, you’re taking actions that get you closer to meeting a defined goal. Your time, energy and resources are well spent. You get something meaningful in return. As opposed to just being busy, which can feel like you’re running in sand. Take a read, and let us know your thoughts.
Well, that’s my to-do list for this week. Have suggestions for what we should read, watch, listen to, or do next week? Email us and share your thoughts! Or, add your suggestions to the comments below.

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