Imagine that you are facing one of the most important days of your professional life. You’re going to be talking to hundreds—maybe even thousands—of people about your school.
They’ve all shown interest in your school, but they haven’t committed. You have a matter of seconds to get their attention and make them want to learn more about you. And if they lose interest, information from your biggest competitors is close by.
How would you prepare for this day? You would hire people you really trusted to help you build a brilliant and beautiful presentation. You would probably spend a few hours reading and re-reading your final version to make sure it was perfect. Your spouse and closest friends might stand in as your practice audience so you could ensure your delivery was impeccable.
It would be a big deal.
What if I told you this insanely important presentation is not just going to happen, it is happening— right now. It’s happening as I type this, and it’s happening as you’re reading it.
It’s your website.
All day, every day, your website presents your school to the world.
All that HTML is responsible for the most wide-reaching first impression your school will ever make. It’s the hardest-working admissions counselor you have. And as the saying goes, you don’t have a second chance to make a first impression. If the first one isn’t great, there might not be a second.
If your website isn’t easy to navigate, prospective students won’t try to figure it out, they’ll just give up.
If your website doesn’t quickly and easily give them the information they’re looking for, they’re likely to move on.
If your site’s design looks like it’s from ’99, or doesn’t work on mobile, then what you’re saying is you’re an old-fashioned, out-of-touch school. Which is not the message you want to project.
A strong website needs both great design and great copy. It’s a symbiotic relationship. Great design is a big part of what makes a website easy to browse. It can help make copy easier to follow and it can emphasize key pieces of content. A great website also uses language that speaks directs the audience. Through strong copy and design, your website should show the audience why they need not just any school but your school, specifically.
And this is just about what’s visible to your audience. Prospective families need to find your website during a Google search. If you’re unimpressed with your Google ranking, you need to go behind the scenes and look at your meta data.
If your website is lacking even just one of these things, you’re headed into the biggest presentation in your school’s history unprepared.
In an ideal world, you would have the budget to reevaluate and revise your entire website, all at once. We understand, thought, that it’s just not always possible, even when your site really needs a major overhaul.
If budget is holding you back from the website redo you envision, start small. By formulating a plan to tackle the most important areas of your website—the ones that just can’t wait for the day the website overhaul becomes a line item in your budget—you can start to make an impact.
A website that doesn’t do a great job of positioning and presenting your school can impact your inquiries and enrollment. Whether you’re ready to to make big or small changes, it is worth the time and budget it takes to ensure that you have a site that makes the first impression your school deserves.
If revamping your school website is on your to-do list, we can help. Schedule a Discovery Call with Emily.