Writing a School Blog? You Need These 6 Call-to-Action Tips.

This might be the number one mistake we see when reviewing client blogs: We get to the end of the blog post and…nothing. The post just ends. The call-to-action? Completely forgotten.

Calls-to-action are a critical part of the blog post writing process, because a call-to-action is exactly that: a request for your audience to take a specific action. What that action is will vary, but it should connect to the topic of the blog post and to your overall marketing goals.

The goal of a call-to-action is to encourage further interaction with your school (whether online or in real life), to make readers aware of something you offer (whether it’s a program or an ebook) and, in some cases, to prompt them to share their information with you.

It’s what takes readers from simply reading your blog post and leaving, to reading your blog post and staying connected to your school. A great call-to-action catches readers when they’re interested and engaged, and prompts them to stay that way.

To create a call-to-action that connects with your audience and converts them into loyal readers, prospects and-eventually- students, you need to:

Make it relevant

Ensure the action you’re asking readers to take directly relates to your school and the content they’ve just read.

Make it actionable

Give the audience something they can do right now.

Make it direct

Craft your CTA so clearly that the reader will have no questions about what they need to do and what they’ll get from doing it.

Make it audience-centric

Craft your call-to-action in a way that connects with your target audience. Make sure it takes into account what they care about and the programs/information you know they’re interested in. Ask yourself: Is it about them, or is it about you?

Make sure it aligns with your goals

The specific action you’re asking readers to take should support your marketing goals.

Make it interesting

You need to entice and excite your readers. Ask yourself: If you were the reader, would you want to learn more?

Your blog is designed to inform, help and interest the reader. Ultimately, though, it is a marketing tactic, so don’t forget to end each blog post with that simple request for further engagement.

If creating an exceptional content for your school is a priority (and you want to make it easier than ever), check out our FREE resource library.

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